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Week 9 Wrap Up

Week 9 Wrap Up



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Length: 3:11


100% of Week 9

Week 9 Actions Steps


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  • Daily Rule of 5

    Every night right down the 5 most important things you will get done tomorrow in order of importance from 1 to 5 and work through them the following day.


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  • Weekly Goal x 4

    Set 4 specific goals in any of the 8 areas of your life to be completed by the end of the week.


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  • Private Journaling

    Fill in your private journal on a daily basis.


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  • Meditation AM – 5 Minutes Plus

    Increase your daily meditation to at least 5 minutes every morning.


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  • Visualization AM – 5 Minutes Plus

    Increase your daily Visualization to 5 minutes plus every morning.


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  • Affirmations AM

    Do your affirmations every morning.


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  • Gratitude AM

    Daily gratitude every morning with 3 – 5 things you are grateful to have in your life currently.


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  • Meditation PM – 3 Minutes

    Increase meditation to 3 minutes before you go to bed.


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  • Visualization PM – 2 Minutes

    Increase your visualization to 2 minutes right before you go to sleep.


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  • Affirmations PM

    Do your affirmations every night right before bed.


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  • Reading – 10 Minutes Daily

    Try to complete 10 minutes of reading every day.


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  • Exercise – 10 Minutes Daily

    Aim to complete 10 minutes of exercise every day.



Exercise 1

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  • Re-write Your Affirmations

    The subconscious mind ,the place where positive change begins, responds automatically to something that’s both simpler and even more powerful that a statement…

    So what’s more powerful than a statement? A QUESTION…

    You see when you ask a question, your mind automatically begins to search for an answer.

    You can’t help it. It’s automatic. It happens without your volition. It could be argued that searching for an answer to a question is perhaps the most basic and fundamental function of the human mind!

    If you keep saying statements but you do not believe your positive statements, then why not as a question instead so your mind can go to work for you and find the answer.

    So at this point we would like you to change your affirmations up slightly if you haven’t done so already by changing them from a statement to a question.

    Make sure that you make your questions empowering and in a positive frame because if you ask yourself negative questions you will get negative answers. For example if you ask yourself questions like:

    – Why don’t I have enough money?
    – Why am I so lonely?
    – Why am I so fat?
    – Why do I never get the breaks other people get?

    These disempowering questions are going to give you disempowering negative answers.

    If you can however frame your questions as a positive then you will get empowering answers. Take the question from above ‘why am I so fat’, what about changing this to something empowering like ‘why is it so easy for me to lose weight’. The way you answer these questions are very different so make sure your questions are empowering.

    So, see if you can re-write your affirmations as an empowering question instead of just a statement. For example is you affirmation was:

    “I am rich and consistently earning over $100,000 per year”

    Now change it to an empowering question:

    “Why am I so rich and consistently earning over $100,000 every year”

    Whilst this example is only a very subtle change it gives you an idea of how to re-work your affirmations. By doing this your subconscious mind can go to work for you and figure out how to make this affirmation a reality.

    And better yet doing this as part of your night-time routine you have all night for your subconscious to figure this out and create opportunities in your life that you weren’t aware of before.

    Remember to keep a small note pad and pen by the bed, there is a good chance you may wake up in the night or first thing the next morning with that one idea that will make this affirmation a reality. When this happens you have about 20 seconds that your conscious mind can hold onto it so get the pen to paper ASAP.

    Once your affirmations have been re-written make sure you use these for your when doing your affirmations in your morning routine as well.

    These morning and night-time routines are powerful techniques that we would like you to implement into your life so they become habitual. You now understand the 5 components of the habit loop so lets make these habits deliver you the results you want in your life.



Exercise 2

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  • Forming New Habits Exercise

    Get a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of it. On the left hand side right out any results you are currently getting in your life that you are not happy with and you want to change. Do your best to have at least 5 different items on the left hand side.

    Now on the right hand side write down a list of the results you do want to see in your life that you are currently not seeing. Ideally you will start by taking the bad things that you no longer want and flipping them to create the opposite, the new result that you do want in your life moving forward.

    Once you have at least 5 items in both the left and right hand columns you then need to break each of bad results in the left hand column down into the steps from the habit loop:

    1 – Trigger
    2 – Routine
    3 – Reward
    4 – Craving
    5 – Result

    You already have the 5th step as you have listed your results so fill in the other 4 steps.

    Once you have a completed habit loop for each of your bad results it’s time to form the new habit loop for the new results you want to bring into your life. Here you must keep the Trigger, Reward and Craving the same. You must however change your routine so you can achieve the desired result you want moving forward.

    You absolutely must believe that the chance you are going to make is possible as if you don’t all the effort will be wasted, it will not work if you do not believe it will work.

    Try and change these habits in a community, whether that be a large group setting where you are all trying to get a similar or the same result. Or, if you start working with an accountability buddy, explain the situation to each other, what you want to change, how you are going to change it and why you believe it is possible.

    It’s time to end the bad habits and replace them with good ones that will get you the results you want in all areas of your life!



Exercise 3

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  • Complete Your 2 Year Goals

    At this point hopefully you are a few weeks into your goal setting. Last week if you completed your 3 year goals and used the mind maps to break things down further you should be ready to complete your 2 year goals now.

    You may be able to take some of the smaller parts of your 3 year goals and these become your 2 year goals so keep that in mind.

    Remember to keep using the 5 step goal setting process throughout all goals and fill everything in on your Goal Setting Worksheet.

    Also be sure to fill out the goal setting matrix with your priority level of A, B or C and also your difficult level of 1, 2 or 3. Once you have this you can determine which resources you need to allocate to which goals and when.

    Think about if there’s other goals that must be completed first in order for you to start on a the next goal. Plus you should think about if you need anyone else to help you complete and achieve these 2 year goals.

    Try to list out any considerations, fears and roadblocks that may come up or have come up already in the back of your mind so you can address them early on. The only way you will see the true success that you want and deserve is by facing these considerations, fears and roadblocks head on and pushing through, around and over them.

    Make sure you’re flexible with your goals. Whilst 2 years out are shorter term you still need to be flexible as things change. You may have had a shift in what you want, you may find facts or circumstances around your goals have changed and you need to be fluid and move with these changes.

    If you are finding you are getting too much resistance with a certain goal then take a proper look at. You may find you have set a goal that is not really in line with where you want to head and you are really swimming upstream against the current. It may just not be in line with your values as a person or your ultimate life vision and purpose.

    Finally persistence pays off, don’t give up in the face of a little hard work or let fear hold you back. Get a copy of Feel the Fear and do it Anyway if fear is your biggest hurdle.

    Push on, lets get these 2 year goals written down so we can work through the 12 months goals next week. You should aim to look at your 2 year goals on a weekly basis as a reminder of where you want to head in the next few years. That will help with your day to day decision making and accomplishment of the shorter term goals that feed into these 2 year goals.



Forum Posting

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  • Forum Posting

    Get into the Week 9 thread in the forum and share some of the bad habits you were able to identify about yourself and what you where able to change with your routines to help these habits deliver you the results you want in life.


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