There are 8 core areas to life and this video is designed to help you understand what each of the 8 areas are and give some idea of where you think you might be sitting in each of these areas at the moment.
Remember there is no end goal however moving goal posts, so understanding where you are in each of the 8 areas is just the first step. Once you know where you are you should be working out where you want to be. The reality is as life goes on the goal posts will always be moving but it’s important to keep track of all 8 areas and move forward in them, not just the business / career area of life.
In the worksheet below, each of the 8 areas are explained in detail along with some thought provoking questions to help you understand how you might be lacking and be able to improve each area of life so you get that better work life balance we want you to have.[/text_block]

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